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Hi, I am Mackenzie Miller.


I am currently spending a gap year in Nanjing, China - studying Mandarin, exploring new places and listening to the world around me! But when I am home, I am often found running, singing, writing an article or blog post or boasting about my alma mater, Hesston College.


I am from the plains of Kansas, the rice fields of Louisiana and the Amish farm landscapes of Pennsylvania. I am from Mennonites and Baptists, Southerners and Northerners--all of which have influenced my global perspective.


I love to travel, have hard conversations and work together to embrace and celebrate our differences. 


I write because of who has come before me, because of the community that has shaped me and because of what I have seen and where I will go.


I write because I am still trying to figure everything out.


I write because sometimes the voice we get is not just our voice, but rather it comes from a series of elsewheres.


I write to own my journey.



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